MacBook Pro turned-on on brown wooden surface

Professional Websites Designed

Welcome to Lewis Automated Business Consulting's special promotion! Get a free website design now!

Lewis Automated Business

Providing professional website design services for free through our student to intern training program.

person writing on white paper
person writing on white paper
silver iMac turned on inside room
silver iMac turned on inside room

Professional Website Design

Get a free professional website designed by our student interns in our special promotion.

man using MacBook
man using MacBook
monitor showing Java programming
monitor showing Java programming
Student Intern Program

Join our student-to-intern program if you want to build up your skills in the IT industry.

Special Promotion Offer

Take advantage of our special promotion offer and get a free professional website design.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

I am so impressed with the professional website design I received for free. Highly recommend! We are now creating a contract for paid addon pages.

Emporium Holdings Inc.

During my time at LABC, I've honed my skills in crafting exceptional websites and designs. It's been an incredible opportunity, and I've found great fulfillment in the work I've done.

Julian - Senior UI/UX Designer

LABC staff


To apply for our free website design and creation service, please provide the following information:

  • Name: Your full name.

  • Business Name: The name of your business or organization.

  • Phone Number: A contact number where we can reach you.

  • Email: Your email address for correspondence.

  • Description of Your Business: A brief overview of your business and its mission.

  • Website Requirements: Specific details on what you need for your website, such as features, style preferences, and any other relevant information.

Why We Need This Information: This information helps us understand your needs and tailor our services to create a website that perfectly fits your business. After you submit the form, we will contact you to book an appointment or discuss your requirements over a phone call.

By providing this information, you enable our students to gain practical experience while you receive a professional, custom-built website. Thank you for supporting our educational initiative!