It all starts with an idea.
Our projects page offers real-time crime data in the United States. Crime incidents are visualized on an interactive map, providing users with insights into crime trends in specific areas. Detailed crime reports and real-time alerts empower users. Click here to view the platform.

EVM Web-based Calculator
This is a web-based calculator for Earned Value Management, a project management technique used to measure project performance and progress. This is a great examples of using JavaScript to create a functional application and embedding it into a website. Click Here to try it out.
Job Matching and Freelance exclusive platform
We have under development an exclusive platform that uses technology mimicking some of the largest job matching websites out there. Taking inspiration from Twitter, LinkedIn, Upwork and Fivver, developers of this project have found there way into companies looking for prospects with the ability to work on a team at scale. Interns and students will get to learn how platforms of this scale work and how to build them.

Real estate and Client tracking
With the help of Wordpress and custom themes, you can create impressive websites that can track real estate prices, generate client funnels, and book appointments. For most of the agents and brokers, this is the ultimate goal. Though combining all these features may seem challenging, it is achievable with the right planning and tools. As a student, you can learn how to build websites like this by joining us.

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Ridgeland, MS 39157